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Friday, July 27, 2007

Goodbye Claire! We will visit...

Before I had the opportunity to upload nicer pictures of Claire, her new owner had already agreed to purchase her. He came to view Claire on Thursday and instantly liked the bubbly puppy. I'm certain Claire's beautiful good looks had melted his heart. He's getting her in conjunction with his daughter's birthday and I believe Claire will be a wonderful puppy for a little girl. Claire has that sweet look on her face, and our hearts were heavy when her new owner came to pick her up this Saturday morning.

The only consolation is that since her new owner is an acquaintance of ours, (although we had no idea about this when he called) we will be able to visit her. Now, the only puppy's left is Clifford, whom we plan to keep and train. I'll have more posts on Clifford's progress later on.

We hope she'll be a good puppy, and will behave well in her new home. She's always been receptive towards food, and has already been trained to sit and come. Hopefully, her training will resume and she will be a well-trained and obedient Beagle! Here are some nice pictures of Claire which I took this morning, and some of her as she was leaving:

Beautiful Claire Doo

I will miss you bro...

Claire boarded for the journey to her new home

We'll miss you Claire...


Alex said...

totally adorable puppies. sincerely wish they all have found great homes and it's a shame i couldn't have one.

NYC said...

Yes, they are all very adorable. I wish I could have kept them all! The last puppy for sale was sold on Saturday, and all of them went to good homes.

It's not a shame for you, as it's better to know that you need to be ready for a puppy, then to get one and realize that you can't cope. I'm sure when the time comes, you'll get the right Beagle!

JLoh27 said...

i'm smitten by your lovely beagles pups. I have a very handsome 15 mth old male beagle, MKA cert & Father's a champion, if you are interested to mate (in the future of course), email me at Thanks.

NYC said...

Hi Jean. Thanks for your compliments. Actually, we have sold all 3 female puppies. However, we do keep in contact with the owners and will certainly keep you in mind if they decide to breed in the future. Thanks!