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Monday, September 29, 2008

Beagle Training - Teach your beagle puppy to Roll Over!

Beagle training is fun when you have the right training methods, AND an attentive beagle. One of the most interesting tricks I’ve used courtesy of the 101 Dog Tricks book by Kyra Sundance and Chalcy is to train Clifford.

Don’t force your dog!

If you are serious about training your beagle, using the right methods is an absolute must. The reality is that, dogs think differently from humans, and we cannot assume that we can teach them like children. For instance, if you want to teach your dog to roll over, it wouldn’t be right to roll your dog over physically and hope that he will get the message!

How to train your beagle

The right way to teach your dog to roll over is to first have your dog in a Down position in front of you, and position a treat right above his head. Slowly move the treat to the left (or right, if you want your dog to roll right), so that your dog will move his head in the direction of the treat. This way, your dog has now choice but to roll over. Once he has rolled to his side, make sure he’s in the Down position again before rewarding him.

Use hand signals too

Once your beagle learns this trick, you may want to get your dog to respond to hand signals too. Make a circular motion with the index finger whenever you say “Roll over!” Also, always remember to reward your beagle dog IMMEDIATELY after he or she does it right. Otherwise, he may not know that you are rewarding him for a trick done right.

Continuous encouragement

If your beagle does not get the trick after a few tries, keep his spirits up by commanding him to do a trick he already knows, and rewarding him for it. This way, he’ll stay focus when he knows that his efforts will be rewarded.

Have patience

Don’t give up if your beagle puppy does not get it immediately. It takes lots of time and patience to get one trick right. Just see how enthusiastic Clifford is when he rolls over!

Now, training your beagle to Play Dead is level 2 of roll over. . .