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Friday, November 2, 2007

Visiting Claire

Our next visit was to Claire's home. Upon special request, we brought Clifford along. He seems to be less enthusiastic about car rides - maybe he tends to get car sick. But he's a darling while in the car and does not fidget as much as his mother did. Here's a picture of our friend Clifford, being really sweet and clingy in the car. Notice how he leans on my arm ;)

beagle puppy
Claire, of course, was happy to see Clifford. They played for a while, and Claire chased Clifford around. He was as usual, in his cool demeanor, and let everyone pat him. We showed Claire's family what we had taught Clifford, and he performed everything well, just like when he's at home. Of course, the trick was that we had to have puppy food giblets as reward. (Clifford wants to be paid before he does what you say ;) )

Look how Claire has grown. She is now 8 kg, and is still as active as ever. She loves her new home, loves to bite socks and lately has been biting a whole lot of stuff (including her new owner's car). She goes for a walk each day, and runs alongside her master's bicycle. We are glad that she has gone to such a good home, and that she has a family that loves her lots and lots.

However, she has lately become a little picky about her food. I think that's because there's no competition, and she's trying to get her masters to feed her treats instead of dog food. Hmmm, smart puppy.

Anyways, one of the things we learnt at dog obedience training class was to keep the food if the dog does not eat it. It's alright to let the dog go hungry for one meal. We tried this on Murfee and Tobie a few years back. They were shocked and surprised that we could ACTUALLY keep what we had given, and thereafter ate their food enthusiastically till this day!

Back to Claire. Here's a lovely picture of her, taking a short rest after running after Clifford:

Here's another picture of Claire. You can see her tail wagging!


Unknown said...

hi!!! when are you coming to visit fritz (or formally known as teddy)??! he's dying for some company. in fact, he's so bored, he made friends with our garden broom and drain covers!!

NYC said...

Hi Amanda!

Yes! I will come visit soon, and will bring Clifford. He's really huge now and bullies his mom a lot.

I'm going to write a post about him now, and upload some videos we just made of him!

Hi Marco

Nice site! Thanks for introducing it. Will consider putting my dogs' profiles in there. The only social network for pets I know of so far is
